We are doing our bit to decrease the strain on our health system! Rest assured we are making evidence based changes to our practice in line with government protocols. We will do everything reasonably practicable to reduce the risks associated with COVID-19. From 01/05/2020 medical or health services have been listed as exceptions from retail and exempt from physical closure. Massage sessions  and acupuncture will be available from 13/07/20. We have assessed and managed the risks as follows:

⚓ RESTRICTED – We are operating by appointment only and not taking walk ins at this time. Appointments are available to those not displaying ANY symptoms of the COVID-19 virus. This includes the recent onset of a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell. You must not be in self-isolation or live with somebody who is self isolating. Appointments are also restricted by the government for vulnerable people with medical conditions that increase risk. If this is the case please call and we can help by setting up a virtual session. 

⚓ PRE-SCREENING – A combination of questions,  and a temperature check will be mandatory prior to appointment.

⚓ HAND HYGIENE – To be carried out on entrance and exit of the practice.

PERSONAL BELONGINGS – Please only bring what is necessary to your appointment. A sanitised box will be available for you to put your belongs/clothes. You may bring your own towel if you wish.

 DISPOSABLES- We have disposable head rest covers and couch covering for our couches. We will only be using disposable wipes and paper towels to clean. Non-disposable items such as towels/equipment are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between clients as usual.

⚓ CONTACT – Only one client in the practice – you will only come into contact with Genevieve, our therapist. Currently we are unable to provide mobile appointments. Your practitioner will be using a visor where 2 meters are not held. 

PPE – Rest assured the right PPE will be in place to protect you. Government guidelines are constantly changing with regards to recommended PPE. We will be checking daily to ensure the correct procedures are in place. Risk will be assessed case by case and used where necessary per government recommendation. You will always be either be socially distanced at 2 meters OR your therapist will be wearing a visor. 

 PAYMENT – We encourage pre-paying online or via our contact-less system where possible

 ENTRANCE/EXIT– Entrance is as usual, however you will be asked to exit via our rehab room if the entryway is in use.

 DELIVERIES– We will be taking less frequent yet larger deliveries. Restocking or deliveries are not to be taken during treatments.

⚓ LIMITED APPOINTMENTS – Less appointments will be available due to a buffer time needed between appointments to thoroughly disinfect the setting. This will be carried out with “70% alcohol disinfectant” as the government states. Please keep to your appointment time as the time buffer is also in place to reduce risk of clients crossing over. 

 AIRBORNE PRECAUTIONS – We are allowing for an even bigger buffer time to ensure 5 air changes in between appointments. The government state with this practice “less than 1% of the original airborne contamination is thought to remain”. opening the back door will also allow fresh air to enter throughout treatment. Our client waiting area is closed however there is an undercover outdoor area that may be used.

 COVID-19 OUTBREAKIf there is a COVID-19 outbreak our single point of contact (SPOC) is Genevieve. She will lead on contacting local Public Health teams and PPE suppliers to report the suspected outbreak. Service will stop and all clients will be contacted and asked to take precautions to stop the spread. Your contact details and appointment time will be noted and filed for 21 days should we need to exercise the NHS track and trace service.